AL-ILM <p><strong>“AL-ILM”</strong> is a trilingual (Arabic, Urdu, English) research journal of the Institute of Arabic &amp; Islamic Studies, Govt. College Women University, Sialkot, which is published biannually from 2017. This has been issued on paper and is being issued electronically from 2018 onward. This journal publishes the innovative and creative research articles related to different aspects of Islam. However, the Socio- Religious Papers related to Contemporary issues of the Muslim World will be highly appreciated.<br />The main aim and goal of <strong>“AL-ILM”</strong> is to promote quality research in areas of Islamic Studies in Arabic, Urdu and English. The major features of <strong>“AL-ILM”</strong> are to conduct the research on contemporary issues related to Quran and Uloom ul Quran, Hadith and Uloom ul Hadith, Fiqh and Uloom ul Fiqh, Seerat ul Nabi and Fiqh ul Seerah and other relevant branches of Islamic Studies.Another objective of <strong>“AL-ILM”</strong> is to facilitate researchers and the scholars of Pakistani and foreign universities to publish and promote their research output internationally. The Journal will provide the guidelines for public and specially the researchers to enhance their knowledge and skills to discuss and analyze the contemporary issues and find its solution. <strong>“AL-ILM”</strong> strictly follows the rules and regulations set by HEC for journals.</p> en-US (Editor) (Sheikh Adnan Ahmed Usmani) Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 ملتان میں مثنوی نویسی کی روایت: "مثنوی عبیدیہ کلاں" کا اختصاصی مطالعہ <p><em>Persian was a widely used official language in North India and the region's lingua franca before British colonization. It was also the official language of most Muslim dynasties in the Indian subcontinent, including the Mughal Empire, the Delhi Sultanate, and the Sikh Empire. Persian was the language of culture and education in several Muslim courts in South Asia. During its rule in India, Brithish government banned persian as official language and promoted Enlgish, Urdu and sanskrit. But in this century, the holy city of Multan was the cradle of knowledge and literature and Hafiz Jamal Multani, Munshi Ghulam Hasan Shaheed Multani, Muhammad Musa Qureshi and Khwaja Khuda Bakhsh Multani were compiling their books in Persian language. One of these names. It belongs to Khwaja Ubaidullah Multani, who became famous as Peer Khasewale. Khwaja Ubaidullah Multani was born in Multan in 1211 AH and died in Multan in 1305 AH. You were fluent in Arabic, Persian, Hindi and Urdu. You have compiled over a dozen books on various topics, most of which are still out of print and in manuscript form. A well-known manuscript of Khwaja Ubaidullah Multani is "Masnavi Ubaidiya Kalan". The subject of this Masnavi is tawheed, unity of existence and knowledge and guidance. It consists of 831 verses. This paper provides an introduction to this manuscript and highlights the themes of this Masnavi.</em></p> Ihsan-ul-Haq, Dr. Rozina Naqvi Copyright (c) 2024 AL-ILM-Journal Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 نعت ِ رسول ﷺ کے تخلیقی عوامل <p><em>Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) existence is the elevated practical example of human life. Being a prophet, a human being and a leader, every single moment of prophet’s life is highly valuable and quit appreciable. The poem’s content contains a praise and tribute for the said transparent personality. Poets are attracted towards the prophet’s praise poetry because of various motivational factors. Where some of these poets find peace and contentment by getting involved in the said poetry, others find it a source for spreading the massage of the prophet and that of Islam, yet there are some poets as well who are motivated and attracted by religious social gathering (Melaad etc)&nbsp; and literary fame. In this article an attempt has been made to explain the meaning, purpose and various motivational factors which cause poets to engage in such poetry</em></p> Dr. Mutahir Shah , Tariq Rasheed Copyright (c) 2024 AL-ILM-Journal Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 کلام ِ اقبال میں مناقبِ اہلِ بیت <p><em>According to Iqbal, the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the symbol of Islam and an ideal model for a Muslim. According to Iqbal, the claim of love for the Prophet ﷺ and following the Prophet ﷺ are obligatory. It is essential to follow his footsteps for real salvation. And this is impossible without deep love and affection for Rasulullah SAW. Following him without love for the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is just a pretense and like a paper flower that has no fragrance and no lasting color. No one can be a perfect believer or achieve true success without the love of the Messenger of Allah.In the light of the decrees of the Prophet ﷺ, Iqbal also understands that the love of the Prophet ﷺ requires that you have true and perfect love with your Ahl al-Bayt as well. From the study of Kalam-e-Iqbal, it is revealed that perfection in following the Qur'an and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is not possible without following and loving the Ahl al-Bayt. In Kalam-i-Iqbal, all the Ahl al-Bayt are mentioned loudly. The hardships endured by the Ahl al-Bayt (may Allah be pleased with them) for the propagation of the clear religion in unfavorable circumstances, and the great devotion and will to the Holy Prophet, human history is unable to provide an example of this. The Holy Qur'an has put a strong stamp on character, truthfulness, selflessness, justice and benevolence, piety and fear of God. In the current research paper, Manaqib Ahl al-Bayt has been described in the light of Kalam-e-Iqbal.</em></p> Muneer Hussain, Prof. Dr. Shahid Iqbal Kamran Copyright (c) 2024 AL-ILM-Journal Mon, 30 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 پاکستانی تعلیمی اداروں میں تدریس و تحقیقِ سیرت کی ممکنہ جہات <p>While Seerat-un-Nabi (SAW) has been discussed in various perspectives, studies are scarce regarding The Seerah in the light of modern knowledge. This study sheds light on the importance of Seerat-writing from a modern literature perspective and, for better understanding, provides examples from forgiveness therapy, emotional bank account, and conflict management. Notably, this study answers some of the possible arguments against this Seerat-writing perspective.</p> Ahmed Younas, Bisma Tariq Copyright (c) 2024 AL-ILM-Journal Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 SYMMETRICAL PATTERNS OF THE QURANIC VERSES: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SELECTED COMMENTATORS <p><em>Quran Majeed is the final edition for humans’ guidance on the earth. It is an unchangeable, ever living miracle of God, who Himself is the Guardian of this&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; last heavenly revealed book. Allah has revealed it according to the need of time and proper occasion. It is a paragon of rhyme and rhythm, eloquence and articulacy, symphony and symmetry.&nbsp; In the beginning, it was compiled under the auspicious guidance of Muhammad (S.A.W) the last prophet of Allah in its best order and sequence both by Surah and Verse. Whenever the Qur'anic verse was revealed, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) would call on Ibn Wahi to write down that verse at its proper place in surah. And then the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) used to recite the Holy Quran in congregational prayer. Although the holy Quran was written down in complete form but not in the form of book. Later on in the reign of Sahaba (R.A) the Holy Quran was preserved in book form. Today we have the same authentic copy of this holy book, issued by Sabaha (R.A.) Now there is a difference of opinion among the scholars regarding the symmetrical pattern of Holy Qur'an that we have today. On group holds the view that the whole Quran is in its best form and order which reflects its true harmony through verse and surah.&nbsp; While the other group is of the view that the holy Quran has different stylistic patterns which do not reflect harmony among their thematic,&nbsp;&nbsp; contextual and rhetorical aspects of verses and surahs. The bottom line of the article lies with the Symphonic Array of the Quran.</em></p> Muhammad Basharat , Bushra Iqbal , Dr.Iftikhar Haider Malik Copyright (c) 2024 AL-ILM-Journal Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 GEO-POLITICS OF SĪRAH: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF SELECTED LITERATURE <table width="468"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="468"> <p><em>The Muslim writers have assimilated discussions on modern day political concepts like sphere of influence, common wealth, buffer zone. Sīrah writers have not neglected to write on the Geo-Politics of Sīrah. Some stalwarts among the Sīrah writers tried to explain its different aspects.&nbsp; The present article defines Political Geography of&nbsp; Sīrah Or Geo-Politics of Sīrah, expoundingnature of Islām revolution, charateristics of Islām state, attributes of head of&nbsp; Islāmic state, responsibilities of&nbsp; Islāmic state and&nbsp; head of&nbsp; Islāmic state,buffer states, foreign policy, diplomacy, differences between&nbsp; Islāmic state &amp; non- Islāmic states and many more things. Sīrah writers must be bedecked with political insight and geographical propensity to highlight the Holy Prophet’s Geo-Politics. Revolution and its means are explained on aesthetic level and on realistic terms as well. Full-fledged books on Geo-Ppolitics of Prophetic Era have been written by Dr.&nbsp; Ḥamīd Allāh and other Sīrah&nbsp; writers, but a lot more is yet to be done in this respect. </em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Nadia Mumtaz , Dr. Umar Hayat Copyright (c) 2024 AL-ILM-Journal Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 منهج تدريس السيرة النبوية كمتطلب جامعي في الجامعة اإلسالمية بفلسطين والجامعة البنورية بكراتشي <p><em>The biography of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is considered a living embodiment of the values of Islam and virtue, an important source for Islamic thought, and a major factor in</em></p> <p><em>formulating society’s morals, values and perceptions, an applied interpretation of Allah bless him from his wilderness and make him a proof for all people until the Day of Resurrection, in addition to what he abounds with vivid applications and realistic examples of issues. It relates to caring for the purposes of Sharia law, its demands, and legislative rulings. The most important thing that distinguished the prophetic biography became that it was governed by non-human standards, with revelation as its source and Allah. No one denies the performance and written documentation that the Prophet’s biography has received, to the utmost degree of documentation and precision. On the one who filled the world with his fragrant biography and on his companions who walked in his path and followed in his footsteps, so it was necessary for the Islamic nation to study his biography, follow his approach, and follow his path. Based on this principle, some universities approved a basic subject as a university requirement through which the student studies the biography of the Prophet Muhammad since his birth. Every university had a curriculum that it followed to teach the biography of the Prophet, and from this standpoint the research paper is constructed.</em></p> Dr. Hassan Nassar Khamees Bizazoo Copyright (c) 2024 AL-ILM-Journal Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 مساھمات الصحابیات فی کیان الفنون والادب <p><em>Arab peninsula was famous for its unique literary qualities for centuries. Its poet and prose writers penned their emotions in every literary genre of that period. Even their women were also legendary in their relative fields. They were expert in eulogy, lampoon, elegy, description and ghazal. But we have to say that prose and poetry of pre-Islamic period was filled with imagery, sarcasm, romance, nostalgia, elegance and memories related to liquor and war. That scenario totally changed with the advent of Islam true religion. This was start of realistic approach. Actually the Holy Quran was a finest piece of literature in Arabic language. So it shadowed on the emotions, vocabulary, inter-pretation and symbolism. Resultantly Arabic language and literature entered in a newer world. This article deals with analytical study of female contribution&nbsp; who got inspired the Quranic and Hadith literature and left their unforgtable imprints.</em></p> Dr. Imrana Shehzadi , Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Khan Copyright (c) 2024 AL-ILM-Journal Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000